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[Career Pathway For Exploration, Development, Growth & Success]

Id: 329      Headquarters: Ohio

Company POC: Human Resources

About This Company:
In Progress

Mentor Totals From This Company: 0

[NEW] Diversity & Inclusion: Low-Medium

[NEW] Student Growth & Preparedness: Low to Medium

[NEW] Grants Availability: Low to Medium

[NEW] Apprenticeships Availability: Low to Medium

[NEW] Mentoring Availability: Low to Medium

[NEW] Company Sponsorship Engagement: Low to Medium

[NEW] Work Experience Builders Engagement: Low to Medium

Percentage of 'CP' Students From This Company: 0%-3%

Key Benefits For Students?
Looking to earn extra income while closing knowledge gaps for your future career interest? Start building a peer network with students from different schools & as well as a resume of paid work experience.

Key Benefits For Business and/or Individual Service Buyers?
Work with talented, responsible, hardworking college/trade school students in a mentor-based collaborative. Post a work experience builder & watch students complete your tasks successfully. Grow your company thru a talent pipeline you can really get to know!

Key Benefits For Mentors?
Experienced professionals collaborate with talented students in a project-based learning setting. Selected students earn income & work on paid work experience builders for service buyers. Mentors receive payment by making a difference & letting field knowledge count!

Career Gateway Path Program [Readiness Accelerator] Key Benefits:
(1) Integration and customize development coding enables growth and scale with technology.
(2) Offers the opportunity of true diversity, within a learn while you earn, in a realistic collaborative environment
(3) Can be completed prior to or following internship/apprenticeship/externship/trade school
(4) Has the ability with respect to the research gained, to not only assist students career success outcomes but also has the capability to add significant value to college and university staff job roles

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Encourage students to view their mistakes as important steps in their learning journey. Reinforce the idea that no one has ever learned something valuable without making mistakes along the way.

Cultivating a growth mindset is about teaching students how to learn and use strategies to overcome challenges. Explain the benefits of overcoming obstacles for people who push through comfort zones to meet challenges head on.

Take time to help students reflect on both their successes and failures. Help them discover more about their ability to work through a problem to find a solution. Praise the process followed, student effort and individual development over the result alone. Encourage a sense of curiosity.

Language – written and spoken – is an excellent tool for helping students see the difference between fixed and growth mindsets. Put this to the test by having students practice phrases that promote a growth mindset “Mistakes help you learn.” Avoid language like “You’re so smart” or “Wrong answer.”

Use a variety of instructional strategies tailored to meet the learning needs of all students. For content use video and audio clips, presentations, and other mediums. Have students work individually, in pairs and in small and large groups. Challenge students to demonstrate their understanding of content via tests, projects, and assignments.

As critical role models for students, it’s important for mentors to let students see their growth mindset in action. Be honest about something that is difficult for you. Tell students when you’re discouraged and discuss solutions with them. Involving students in this way helps them see the need to work though challenges to make progress.

ENgaging with students around meaningful work offers the opportunity to share operational knowledge on how work is currently performed as well as how processes came to be in the current state and future possibilities. Participate In A CGPP Cohort

CertificationPoint Benefits To Career Services and Workforce Development?
CertificationPoint is a value-added resources which acts as a mid-tier resources to streamline a student's transitions within their career journey. Also, the metrics obtained allows for a more detailed snapshot of student growth and readiness outcomes via the metrics. For example, in the instance of a career fair students and employers connect and learn about one another; CertificationPoint provides capabilities for a more meaningful connection between the two as many times both sides have already connected via collaborative work experience builders making a potential interview less daunting due to a solid proof-of-work. For the career services department, the overall student metrics gained allows for a greater understanding of a students strengths and weakness...of which can be shared with instructional staff as well as leadership.

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Upcoming Events For This School: N/A

Event Date/Time: 0000-00-00

Event POC: N/A

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Business Page Front - CertificationPoint

  Career Readiness, Growth, & Development Insights


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  Earn Cryptocurrency With The Correct Answer To Certification Exam Question! - CPNTCoin

 Budget: $0-$0 ->  1 STUDENT Proposals   JOIN In?   

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  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  65 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  41 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: Portland State University (OR)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Experian
 MONTHLY TOP Experience: Website Management


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  Amazon Developer Professional - create ebook for amazon store

 Budget: $225-$400 ->  0 STUDENT Proposals  UPLOAD Proposal?   

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  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  57 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  45 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: Fort Hays State University (KS)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Hewlett Packard Corp.
 MONTHLY TOP Experience: Website Management


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  Earn 25 CPNTcoin - Provide The Correct Answer To The Following Certification Question.

 Budget: $0-$0 ->  1 STUDENT Proposals   JOIN In?   

  CREATE An Opportunity 

  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  49 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  36 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: Indian Hills Community College (IA)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Workiva
 MONTHLY TOP Experience: Graphic Design


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  Database form data submission assistance

 Budget: $400-$2000 ->  0 STUDENT Proposals  UPLOAD Proposal?   

  CREATE An Opportunity 

  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  44 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  28 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: Liberty University (VA)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Kimley-Horn & Associates
 MONTHLY TOP Experience: Graphic Design


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  LOGO designed for New Website Needed

 Budget: $125-$350 ->  0 STUDENT Proposals  UPLOAD Proposal?   

  CREATE An Opportunity 

  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  53 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  27 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: New York University (NY)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Guardicore
 MONTHLY TOP Experience: Graphic Design


 Experience Builders (NEW):
  Student Translator Needed

 Budget: $100-$700 ->  2 STUDENT Proposals   JOIN In?   

  CREATE An Opportunity 

  March 2025 Stats 
  ->  40 NEW Opportunities Available Today 
  ->  26 Work Experience Builders In Progress 


 MONTHLY TOP SCHOOL: Cambridge University (UK)
 MONTHLY TOP Business: Mitsubishi
 MONTHLY TOP Experience Gained: Website Management



  Headquarters: Virginia
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Subject: Time - Make Each Day Count
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2018
Article Content: As most of my readers know I have three children...2 from a previous marriage. I have watched them grow into what are now their teenage years. It seems like just yesterday  [Read More...]

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  Popular Tutorials For Learning: 
  - How To Write A Resume
  - CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide   -> [Advanced]
  - Building Dashboards Tutorials
  - Advanced Microsoft Excel   -> [Hands-On]
  - Windows Powershell Cookbook 3rd Edition
  - Python Tutorial   -> [Hands-On]
  - How To Use Twitter For Business
  - View All Tutorials

    124 'CertPointeers' Actively Completing Tutorials 

  Available Cert Exams:
  SketchBook Pro  Take An Online Exam

    40 'CertPointeers' Actively Taking Certifications 

  Virtual Courses:
  On Demand: Computer Networking
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    45 'CertPointeers' Actively Taking Courses 

Recent Members' CollabTalk:
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to learn more about Containerization. #containerization #studenthelpingstudents
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    996 'CertPointeers' Actively Chatting & Collaborating 

  Recent Water Cooler Discussion Topics:
  The College Student
  Poll Question
  Website Design
  Systems Admin.

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Term Of The Day: Namespace
(1)The set of names in a naming system. (2)A logical grouping of the names used within a program. Also called name scope. (3) A library of classes in .NET. (4) XML namespace: In XML, a namespace is a collection of names, identified by a URI reference, that are used in XML documents as element types and attributenames. In order for XML documents to be able to use elements and attributes that have the same name but come from different sources, there must be a way to differentiate between the markup elements that come from the different sources. (5) DNS namespace: DNS is the name service provided by the Internet for TCP/IP networks. DNS is broken up into domains, a logical organization of computers that exist in a larger network. The domains exist at different levels and connect in a hierarchy that resembles the root structure of a tree. Each domain extends from the node above it, beginning at the top with the root-level domain. Under the root-level domain are the top-level domains, under those are the second-level domains, and on down into subdomains. DNS namespace identifies the structure of the domains that combine to form a complete domain name. For example, in the domain name, “com” is the top-level domain, “secondary” identifies the secondary domain name (commonly a site hosted by an organization and/or business), and “sub” identifies a subdomain within the larger network. This entire DNS domain structure is called the DNS namespace. The name assigned to a domain or computer relates to its position in the namespace.

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Business Funding Opportunities

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Student Work Showcase

Student Career Skills Data

IN A NUTSHELL: With CertificationPoint, students can gain real-world experience via collaborative project-based learning. Envision students from different colleges(Utah State Univ...Kansas State Univ...Bossier Parish Community College...and Grambling Univ) working together remotely completing value-based short term work for businesses needing quality work at fair rates. Dual routes within the program enable students to not only get future jobs in chosen career field, but also become an entrepreneur. Through Live Q&A with experienced mentors, students can further close the knowledge gaps via field level expertise with respect awarded project-based work experience builders. Uniquely, CertificationPoint enables students to fine-tune their career paths with ease while enabling small business to receive quality work and vet future hires through meaningful professional relationships. Armed with successful pilot program data, CertificationPoint offers a glimpse at the 'Future of Work' via unique collaborative engagement processes, while creating several routes for sustained employment and learning opportunities in the current and/or future market. At a 30,000ft view, the overall benefit of this program is in assisting college students to find their future career(or entrepreneurship) field of interest sooner through completion of real-world STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) 'work experience builders' in which they are also earning income. Instructor can earn professional CEUs through work experience builder participation and/or via mentoring. Earn NFTs and crypto via site engagement.

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Other Businesses Across The United States:

Web Design By Faith |  WILL Technology, Inc. | 

Websites By William | 

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BalizTech Software & Web |  Walmart | 

Adobe Systems Incorporated |  Afresh Technologies |  Alpine Investors |  Apex Home Health & Hospice |  Armorblox |  Atlassian, Inc. |  Beyond |  Bitwarden |  BluPrint Home Loans |  Blue Shield of California |  Box, Inc. |  Cadence |  Cisco |  Experian |  Farmers Insurance |  First American Corporation |  Forward Networks |  Genentech |  Hone |  Institutional Cash Distributors |  Intuit Inc. |  Keysight Technologies |  Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants |  Ladder Financial Inc. |  Mission Wealth |  New American Funding |  Nova Credit |  Nugget Market, Inc. |  NVIDIA |  Orrick |  Panda Restaurant Group |  Pinger, Inc. |  Protiviti |  Revamp Engineering |  Rockset, Inc. |  Salesforce |  SB Architects |  Scripps Health |  ServiceNow |  Splunk Inc. |  Stellar Development Foundation |  Synctera |  Tally |  The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated |  Vivid Software Solutions |  Edwards AFB | 

Glide Interactive | 


VIR Consultant LLC |  Computer Sciences Corporation | 

Baptist Health South Florida |  Citrix Systems, Inc. |  DHL Express |  ELM Resources |  JM Family Enterprises, Inc. |  PropertyForce |  Publix Super Markets |  VantagePoint AI

Alston & Bird LLP |  PulteGroup, Inc. |  WellStar Health System |  UPS | 



AbbVie |  Engtal |  Grainger |  Horizon Therapeutics |  Hyatt Hotels Corporation |  Radio Flyer Inc. |  RSM US LLP |  West Monroe Partners

Elevance Health | 

Workiva | 



Barksdale AFB |  Candace Dance |  Giles Property Mgt |  H-Bolbolan LLC |  NewTech Computers |  Pamoja Arts Society |  Ron Anderson LLC |  Shreveport Chamber of Commerce |  Shreveport Regional Arts Council |  Overton Brooks VAMC |  Wedding In A Box |  Haus of Chidera |  BMK Marketing Solutions | 


Maryland & District of Columbia
Marriott International  |  Department of Labor

Bain & Company, Inc. |  Guardicore |  HubSpot |  Reprise |  Sanguine Biosciences | 

Credit Acceptance |  Dow |  Plante & Moran PLLC |  Rocket Companies |  Stryker | 

Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America |  jamf |  Target Corporation | 

Keesler AFB | 

Edward Jones |  Veterans United Home Loans |  World Wide Technology |  Enterprise | 


Mutual of Omaha | 

New Life Christian Center | 

New Hampshire

New Jersey
Atlantic Health System |  BeaconFire Inc. |  Futran Solutions | 

New Mexico

New York
Accenture |  Boldly |  Deloitte |  EY |  Foundry |  KPMG LLP |  LTVCo |  Northwell Health  |  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP  |  Chase  |  PepsiCo  |  Urban League  |  Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.

North Carolina
Bank of America |  Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc |  Red Hat, Inc. | 

North Dakota
Bell Bank | 

Crimson Phoenix Government Solutions |  Mason"s Auto Repair |  Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company |  OhioHealth |  Southern Ohio Medical Center |  Kroger |  The Progressive Corporation

Brief Media |  Tri County Technology Center | 

Expensify | 

Comcast NBC Universal |  Instinct Science |  SAP America |  Sheetz, Inc |  TDI Technologies, Inc. | 

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota

Pinnacle Financial Partners |  Altar'd State |  FedEx Corporation | 

Camden Property Trust |  CrowdStrike |  David Weekley Homes |  Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company |  Hilcorp Energy Company |  Ontic Technologies  |  Ryan, LLC  |  Texas Health Resources, Inc.  |  Vizient  |  Web Design Services .Net  |  Aafes  |  BlackRock Construction  |  KCole Media  |  Lackland AFB  |  Dell  |  Oracle  |  Wells Fargo  |  NewChip


Capital One |  CarMax |  CTG Federal |  Hilton |  Modern Technology Solutions, Inc.  |  Navy Federal Credit Union  |  General Dynamics  |  SAIC



Slalom Consulting |  Perkins Coie LLP |  T-Mobile USA |  Tanium |  Microsoft |  Zillow Group

Baird |  Barnes & Associates Dentistry | 

West Virginia

Misawa AB | 

International/US Companies
The Tech Tribune |  JF |  Acer |  Epson | 

*** StartUp Companies
Applied XL |  BareMetrics |  Constellation |  CoverLease |  DataDistillr |  DotAlign |  EcoMap |  Ettma  |  HData  |  Occasion

Student SignupCryptocurrency20 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Student-Experience Builder BidsCryptocurrency.5 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Student-Experience Builders AwardedCryptocurrency10 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Mentor SignupCryptocurrency10 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Mentor-Experience Builder BidsCryptocurrency.25 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Mentor-Experience Builders AwardedCryptocurrency5 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Buyer SignupCryptocurrency15 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Buyer-Experience Builders PostedCryptocurrency.5 CPNTCoin1/1/2022
Buyer-Experience Builders AwardedCryptocurrency7 CPNTCoin1/1/2022

Skillset-2-Job Role Compatibility Work Experience Builders by CertificationPoint
Scripting (Bash, PowerShell) Python Cybersecurity Controls and frameworks
Intrusion detection Security information and event management Network security control
Operating systems Incident response digital forensics and malware analysis
cloud security development and operations (DevOps) Threat knowledge
Open Web Application Security Cyber Threat Intelligence General Data Protection Regulation
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) cybersecurity workplace skills cybersecurity analyst
communicate technical concepts Collaboration Risk management
Build foundational knowledge risk management Adaptability
Critical thinking SQL (Structured Query Language) create, manipulate, and query databases
SQL and relational database skills database management professional Enterprise Data Warehouse Management
CRM/Automation System Unix Shell Scripting Project Management
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Data movement and manipulation Data Modelling
Backup and Recovery Development Tools integrated development environments (IDEs)
Web Technologies Data Security Capacity Planning
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Frameworks Knowledge Network Administration
Information Technology Firewalls Windows Server
Microsoft Windows LAN Firewalls
Troubleshooting Active Directory WAN
Computer Science Communication Skills Virtualization
Network Security VPN Customer Service
VMware DHCP Help Desk Support
Linux Documentation Aerospace Engineering
Architectural Engineering Automotive Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering Cyber Security Electrical Engineering
Robotics Software Engineering Structural Engineering
Transportation Engineering Entrepreneurship eBusiness
Healthcare Management Business Analytics Business Management
Construction Management Science & Technology Management Sports Management
Accounting Hotel Management Human Resource Management
International Business Labor Relations Logistics & Supply Chain Mgmt
Management Information Systems Marketing Social Work
Statistics Surveying Urban Planning
Veterinary Science Supply Chain Management Inventory Management
Warehouse Operations Transportation Procurement
Distribution Freight Forwarding ERP Systems
Customs Compliance Demand Planning Problem Solving
Teamwork Leadership Organizational
Communication Adaptability Time Management
Attention to Detail Decision Making Critical Thinking
Negotiation Crisis management skills Forecasting skills
Supervision skills Robotics skills Office skills
Microsoft office skills Hospitality skills Automation skills
Integration skills Mathematics skills Visual Art skills
Public Speaking skills Senior Scrum Master Sales Director
Translator Volunteer Creative
Modern Mgt Python Java
Javascript Git SQL
C++ Autocad AWS
Matlab Jira Linux
Docker Jenkins C
C# PHP Mongodb
Microsoft Office React Bootstrap
Agile jQuery Teamwork
Problem solving Angular Typescript
Vendor management skills SAP skills Collaborative skills
Spark skills People management skills Maya skills
Performance management skills Remote Work Skills skills Purchasing skills
Active directory skills Automation skills Quality management skills
Data modeling & engineering Big data analysis AI and ML services
AI Deployment & DevOps AI security Adaptability and continuous learning
Critical thinking and problem-solving Neural network architectures Visual Storytelling with Data
Distributed computing dynamics Content Writing AI Prompting
Web Coding Financial and economic data Strategic planning
Performance monitoring Staff management Customer trend analysis
Linux Fedora Core 9 Organization Multitasking
Strategic planning Goal setting Strategy development
Operations management Project management Process optimization
Financial administration Data analysis and reporting Quality control
Marketing and sales Resource planning Performance monitoring
Staff management Relationship building Trend analysis
Information systems and database knowledge MS Office Suite Zoho One
QuickBooks Trello Leadership
Organization Multitasking Problem-solving
Verbal and written communication Time management Task prioritization
AutoCAD SolidWorks CATIA
Revit ANSYS 3D Modeling
Blueprint Reading SketchUp MathCAD
Drafting Photoshop skills Cloud skills
Data management skills Teamwork skills Strong Work Ethic skills
Payroll skills Relationship Management skills Lean skills
C++ skills Cms skills Public Speaking skills
Persuasion skills Data analysis and visualization skills Development and programming skills
Project and process management skills Design and multimedia skills Digital marketing and content management skills
Cloud and IT infrastructure skills Emerging technology skills Digital marketing tools (e.g., Google Analytics, SEO)
Social media management platforms (e.g., Hootsuite, Buffer) Content management systems (e.g., WordPress, Drupal) Graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Canva)
Email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Constant Contact) Spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) Financial analysis and modeling tools (e.g. Quantrix, Scenario)
Accounting software (e.g., QuickBooks, SAP) Data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) Risk management software( e.g. Vanta)
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems Medical billing and coding software Health information systems
Telemedicine platforms Medical imaging software (e.g., PACS) Data analysis and research tools in healthcare
Learning management systems (e.g., Moodle, Blackboard) Educational software and tools (e.g. OneNote, PDF Element) Online collaboration platforms (e.g., Google Classroom)
Multimedia authoring tools (e.g. Hypertext, Lectora) Educational assessment tools (e.g. Mentimeter, Nearpod) Video editing software (Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro)
3D modeling and animation software (Maya, Blender) Digital photography and photo editing software Social media management tools
Content management systems (WordPress, Drupal) Video production and editing software Social media platforms and analytics tools
Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques Data analysis and reporting tools Event management software (Whova, Eventbrite)
Project management tools (Trello, Asana) Communication and collaboration tools (Zoom, Dropbox) Data analysis tools (HubSpot, Google Analytics)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Building Information Modeling (BMI) Estimating and costing software (RSMeans)
Communication and collaboration tools (PlanRadar, Smartsheet) Project management software (Construct, ProCore) Financial analysis software (e.g., Bloomberg Terminal, FactSet)
Risk management tools (e.g., Riskalyze, RiskMetrics, and MSCI RiskManager) Banking software and platforms (e.g., Temenos, Finastra, and FIS) Data analysis and reporting tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI, QlikView)
Financial modeling and analysis (e.g., Microsoft Excel) Proficiency in spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) Knowledge of procurement software: (e.g., SAP Ariba, Coupa, or Oracle Procurement)
e-procurement systems Data analysis and reporting: (e.g., Tableau) or statistical analysis software (e.g., SPSS) Communication and collaboration tools: (e.g., Google Meet, Microsoft Teams)
Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) Database management systems Document management software
Calendar and scheduling tools Virtual meeting and communication platforms Architectural design software (e.g. AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit)
Building information modeling (BIM) software Rendering and visualization software (e.g. Vectorworks, Adobe Substance 3D) Project management tools (e.g. Archicad, Wrike)
Energy analysis and sustainability software (e.g.Diligent ESG, Novisto) Human resources Human resources information systems
Microsoft Office Suite (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook) Applicant tracking systems (ATS) Data analysis and reporting (e.g. BI, Python)
Collaboration tools (RingCentral, Basecamp) Manufacturing software (e.g. Fishbowl, Prodsmart) Data analysis and reporting (e.g. Factbird, Segment)
Inventory management (e.g. Katana, Cova) Quality control software (e.g.Greenlight Guru, KAWAK) Troubleshooting and maintenance
System installation and maintenance Network administration Security management
Diagnosis and troubleshooting of IT issues End-user support Remote support
Backup and recovery operations IT standard compliance Automated IT systems
Helpdesk management Training and mentoring Performance optimization
Network monitoring and optimization Documentation and recordkeeping Time management and problem-solving ability
Communication and interpersonal skills Knowledge of computer hardware, software and peripherals Knowledge of IT standards and protocols
Knowledge of customer service best practices Backup and Disaster Recovery Remote Desktop Support
Windows 8.1 Windows 10 Windows 11
Operating System Installation and Configuration Chromium OS Android
Linux Fuchsia Wear OS
OS/360 z/OS IBM
AIX OS/2 Apple macOS
Google's Android OS Microsoft Windows Apple iOS
Linux Operating System Agile and Scrum methodologies Machine learning and AI algorithms
API design and development IT compliance and governance UX/UI design principles
Blockchain technology Containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes) Version control systems (Git, SVN)
Software testing and debugging System architecture design Performance optimization
Storyboarding Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) User interface design
User experience design Augmented reality (AR) design Virtual reality (VR) design
Accessibility standards for design Prototyping (digital and physical) Lean Green Belt Training
Lean Yellow Belt Training Web Administrator Computer Security Management
Qualified Trainer Workstations & Servers Traditional Servers/Blade Servers
Exchange Server VMWare RemedyARS
HTML PERL/CGI Oracle 8i-9i
HP OpenView CiscoWorks 2000 Sniffer Pro
DNS Linux/Unix Novell Netware
SQL Server Internet Information Server (IIS) ASP/
Sidewinder (Cobra) Solaris Legato Networker
Microsoft Office Visual Studio Development NetIQ
Visio 2000 Photoshop CSS
DHTML Internet Scanner Coldfusion
SharePoint Portal Server SharePoint Designer Macromedia Dreamweaver
Quest TOAD (Oracle database interface) BootStrap WordPress
Joomla Mobile Apps Development OSCommerce
Build Student Readiness Experience Builder Build Group-Based Experience Builder Build Volunteer Experience Builder
Create Company-Based Experience Builder Create New Hire Experience Builder Create Training Experience Builder