SECTION 2 - Exploring Member Milestone Successes (BETA)

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Recently Submitted Career Milestone

    UserName: JohnMim

    Region: 2

Description: (Example) Examined and Resolved A Potential Infrastructure Attack On Our Company Network

Overall Impact: (Example) We Feel We Are Safe From Potential Attacks Like---The December 2017 infection, which used a zero-day exploit, spread due to human error as a critical Tricon key switch was left in "program mode." A flawed payload script defanged Triton before it could cause dramatic damage, but the fact remains that industrial systems are becoming increasingly tempting targets.

Lessons Learned: (Example) Keeping the critical infrastructure efficient and effective is challenging enough. Yet finding the time to consistently audit and always be improving security is critical too. Attackers will be looking for misconfigurations or flaws that offer access.

    Completed: 5/20/2015

Interaction: Interesting? We're looking for an individual with this exact skillset.