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Many of the most well-known edtech startups have focused on solving big challenges in higher education. College students trying to navigate the channels for financial aid, loan services, and even finding jobs have turned to apps like Commonbound and Trilogy Education ...

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Posted: July 18, 2023 - 12:11pm



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Students, Instructors, & Professionals earn extra income in exchange for knowledge.
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Resource: Shared Study Notes
Provider: Students
Rewards: Earn 30% Return For Each Custom Course Package Download
Goal: Ensuring Students A Means Of Closing Knowledge Gaps Via Help From Peers

Students helping their peers is what this package is all about! Once you've taken a course, don't through away your course notes submit them to CertificationPoint and earn money. Your course study notes have the option to become part of current study packages or added as a custom package. Submit an add-on study note resource to earn up to 10% return and a custom study note resource earn up to a 30% return upon each purchase.

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Resource: Exams Creations & Shared Instructors Notes
Provider: Instructors/Teachers
Rewards: Earn 30% Return For Each Custom Course Package Download & Up to 40% Return On Submitted Exams
Goal: Ensuring College Students To Validate Learning & Increase Successful Student Learning Outcomes

Teachers and Instructors are the life-blood of our educational system and have a great understanding of achieving positive student outcomes. CertificationPoint provides a centralized platform enabling teachers and instructors to move the needle forward for students in a number of ways while also earning extra income. Submit an add-on course study note resource to earn up to 10% return and a custom course study note resource earn up to a 30% return upon each purchase. Submit a custom course certification exam and earn up to a 40% return each time the exam is purchased.

  • Create resources optimized to how students learn
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Resource: Shared Day-to-Day Job Role Tasks & Certification Exam Notes
Provider: Professionals/Mentors
Rewards: Earn 30% Return For Each Custom Course Package Download & Up to 40% Return On Submitted Exams
Goal: Help Students Grow To Understand and Simulate Actual Work Environments For Their Future Careers

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  • Enable students to gain career transferable skills
  • Help students gain a realistic outlook on their future career
  • Mentor a vibrant studemt learner community

Resource: Entity Specific APIs
Provider: CertificationPoint Team
Rewards: Connect With A High Domain & Page Authority EduTech Platform
Goal: Expand The Number Of Resources Students & Self-Starters Have To Earn Extra Income

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A: To get a job in artificial intelligence, you'll want to earn a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related major. Also, consider pursuing a postgraduate degree in the field and build your experience and portfolio.

A: Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

A: Programming. Whatever Artificial Intelligence career you're looking to pursue developing a strong knowledge of programming languages is a key skill that you need to harness

Database Modelling, Data Warehousing and Data Processing
Machine Learning
Knowledge of Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)
Problem Solving

A: Learning AI is not an easy task, especially if you're not a programmer, but it's imperative to learn at least some AI. It can be done by all. Courses range from basic understanding to full-blown master's degrees in it. And all agree it can't be avoided.

A: Required Minimum Experience And Education: 5 or more years of experience in related field or any combination or equivalent education, experience, and formal training that allows the candidate to meet the requirements of the job.

A: AI engineering is a vast field, and the artificial intelligence engineer's responsibilities include problem-solving by creating innovative AI products. They are also responsible for maintaining the existing AI systems and infrastructure.

A: A bachelor's degree in computer science is essential for any employment in artificial intelligence. Many companies and enterprises prefer a Master's or higher degree in computer science for the same position. A solid portfolio or prior programming skills might serve as an alternative to a master's degree.

A: It may be beneficial to learn to code in Python before learning artificial intelligence. The Python programming language is frequently used in AI programming. AI also requires a strong foundation in math, statistics, and data structures. A good AI course covers all of these topics, as well as programming.

A: AI is essentially a lot of math, consisting of algorithms, calculations, and other types of data. This is the back end or behind-the-scenes training that most people don't see. However, in the same way you must train your human teams, you must train your AI.

A: Python and Java are both languages that are widely used for AI. The choice between the programming languages depends on how you plan to implement AI. For example, in the case of data analysis, you would probably go with Python.

A: Narrow AI or ANI
Artificial general intelligence or AGI
Strong AI or ASI
Reactive machines
Limited memory
Theory of mind

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