Tweets with #studenthelpingstudents
October 3, 2023
display picture@sarahtoms
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to improve my spellign and grammer. #studenthelpingstudents
October 2, 2023
display picture@andrewlodial
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to learn more about investing and trading! What are some great books? #investing #studenthelpingstudents
October 1, 2023
display picture@jCobarp
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to learn JAVA from the basics. What is a good book for it?. #studentfreelance #Java #studenthelpingstudents
September 30, 2023
display picture@jCobarp
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to learn the psychics of the brain. #physics #studenthelpingstudents
September 30, 2023
display picture@jCobarp
I just got my bachelors in ECE and heavily debating getting my masters. Anyone who has done it, how is the program? Similar to undergrad? Much more rigorous? Is it manageable to do while working full time? #studenthelpingstudents
September 30, 2023
display picture@jCobarp
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to make passive income online. #studentfreelance #studenthelpingstudents
September 30, 2023
display picture@jCobarp
Would it be weird to bring a recorder and record lectures to listen to later? I can’ remember everything I’m told in biology lol. #studentfreelance #studenthelpingstudents
September 30, 2023
display picture@Alice
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to eat right. #weightmanagement #studenthelpingstudents
September 29, 2023
display picture@nickth1
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to learn how to make paid flashcards. #studentfreelance #studenthelpingstudents
September 26, 2023
display picture@pranjan
MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to deal better with information overload. #studentfreelance #studenthelpingstudents