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REGION1 Experience Builder (Queued): Earn 25 CPNTcoin - Provide Correct Answer To Following AWS Exam Question. Budget: $0-$0 -> 2 Student Proposals Join In! View All Region 1 Opportunities Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
REGION2 Experience Builder (Queued): Virtual Capstone (3rd & 4th Quarter) Budget: $0-$0 -> 0 Student Proposals Submit Proposal! View All Region 2 Opportunities Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
REGION3 Experience Builder (Queued): WordPress Website Design Work (Part-Time) Budget: $0-$500 -> 1 Student Proposals Join In! View All Region 3 Opportunities Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
REGION4 Experience Builder (Queued): Earn 25 CPNTcoin - Provide The Correct Answer To The Following Certification Question. Budget: $0-$0 -> 0 Student Proposals Submit Proposal! View All Region 4 Opportunities Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
REGION5 Experience Builder (Queued): New Website Developer Needed For Church - 5 Page Site Construction Budget: $0-$150 -> 2 Student Proposals Join In! View All Region 5 Opportunities Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
REGION6 Experience Builder (Queued): Searching Engine Optimization Needed Budget: $150-$325 -> 2 Student Proposals Join In! View All Region 6 Opportunities - Post An Opportunity MAY 2022 -> +0 Opportunities Submitted |
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Term Of The Day: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Also known as Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT), this is an initiative where students bring their own mobile devices into the classroom for class purposes, as opposed to using school-issued devices. This is often seen as an alternative to 1:1 programs due to lower maintenance costs, though students without devices cannot participate. |
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A: There are four levels of apprenticeships: intermediate, advanced, higher, and degree.
A: An apprenticeship gives you hands-on experience, a salary and the opportunity to train while you work as an apprentice.
A: The short answer to that question is no, not if you put the effort in; you don't necessarily have to jump through hoops to become an apprentice. In fact, some don't require any prior qualifications.
A: 26 of the top 100 most applied for apprenticeships were in accountancy. 22 were across IT, software, digital and digital marketing roles.
A: As an apprentice, you will be paid for time spent training or studying for your apprenticeship. This means that Apprentices must spend at least 20% of their normal working hours training. The training can take place: at their place of work.
A: You can start an apprenticeship at any level. Depending on the level, some apprenticeships may: require previous qualifications such as an English or maths GCSE. give extra training in the English or maths skills needed so you're at the right level.
A: Low Pay. Apprentices typically receive significantly lower pay than certified or professional workers, despite often sharing in the same basic projects and tasks
Minimal Recognition
Work Limitations
A: Apprentices can start work as young as 16 and apprenticeships are generally for a minimum of 30 hours per week. The Working Time Regulations 1998 state that young workers should not work more than eight hours a day and 40 hours a week and don't normally work at night.F
A: 19 to 24-year-olds account for 30.5% (106,300). Apprentices aged 25 and over account for 47.4% (165,300).
A: Apprentices who fail one or more assessment method will be offered the opportunity to take a resit or a retake.