Monday, June 3, 2024, 07:06 AM
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“YOLO” or “You only live once” has become a popular quote for today’s millennials. Many young professionals are torn between securing their career and living the life so they try hard to find jobs that will provide them with the freedom to roam or travel. Education and teaching are viable careers for those who seek location independent jobs especially those who are still studying. So if the thought of being caught up in an office job doesn’t appeal to you, Learnok has promising career offers for students who wish to work part-time without any time or location constraints.Posted by Administrator
A Virtual Learning Community
When working on a complicated assignment or struggling with some research work, you know exactly how it feels to have someone pitching in some help – whether some honest opinion or additional inputs. Students cannot simply poke their room mates or classmates to help them out because they too have their own academic requirements to complete thus they turn to the internet to seek a virtual learning community.
This virtual learning community should be easy and convenient to access and can guarantee answers to your issues and possible solution to your academic problems. Thus, providing academic assistance from a community of high school, college and university students becomes a viable part-time job for many. This gives them the freedom to earn extra even while they are studying and they can even stay connected even when they are on a holiday or out exploring a new country or city.
Student for Student Mentorship
For most students, tutorials and mentorship is best handled by fellow student because they understand the challenges and struggles that they are going through. Sometimes, professional teachers or instructors become less involved in a learning relationship and are focused on the requirements. Student tutors and mentors can assist you in different subjects such as geometry, business, calculus, physics, statistics, academic paper writing and others.
Students who find themselves racing through same deadlines for several subjects would gladly appreciate having online mentors and tutors to assists them with their academic requirements. At Learnok, there will always be an expert, an experienced mentor or a skilled tutor who had been there and passed that. It won’t matter where you are in the world as long as you can help them out!
Teach and Travel the World
Technology has made it possible for people to have a career and still enjoy the perks of being location independent. As a mentor, you can work whenever you are free or on demand and still have time for all your other activities. Teaching even while you are still a student is also a great addition to your resume. It shows that you are good with managing your time and priorities and your potential as a leader.
Starting a job, even a part-time one while you are still a student can be daunting, but many websites are opening their doors to a stress-free start up for student mentors and tutors. If you are passionate about sharing knowledge and think you can do well as a mentor or tutor, try it out now.
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