Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 03:04 PM
Posted by Administrator
In a collaborative effort to enhance workforce training and professional development in Wyoming, the state’s community colleges and the University of Wyoming have launched a comprehensive survey targeting employers within the hospitality, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors.Posted by Administrator
This initiative seeks to gather critical insights that will inform the development of training programs tailored to meet the evolving needs of these vital industries. Understanding the specific training and professional development needs of employers is important to ensuring that Wyoming’s workforce remains competitive and well-prepared to meet the challenges of the industry.
The survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, is designed to capture valuable feedback from employers across the state.
“The goal of this survey is to bridge the gap between the workforce training and professional development offerings in our community colleges and the University of Wyoming, and the actual needs of the employers in the hospitality, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors,” says Dan McCoy, interim director of UW’s Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality (WORTH) Initiative. “We are committed to supporting the growth and success of these sectors by preparing a skilled workforce that is ready to contribute to Wyoming’s economy.”
Employers participating in the survey will have the opportunity to share their insights anonymously, with the option to provide contact information for further engagement. The data collected will directly influence the development of training programs, ensuring they are aligned with industry standards and requirements.
The collaboration between Wyoming’s community colleges and UW highlights the commitment of educational institutions to support the state’s economic development through targeted workforce training initiatives. Funding for the survey is provided through the Wyoming Innovation Partnership and a partnership with the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services.
Employers in the hospitality, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors are encouraged to take part in this survey and help shape the future of workforce training in Wyoming. All responses are greatly appreciated.
For more information about the survey or to participate, go here or email McCoy for more information at dan.mccoy@uwyo.edu.