Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 03:32 PM
Posted by Administrator
President Joko Widodo’s directive to study from home during the pandemic has changed the course of the education process. In the three months since then, the education sector underwent a major digital transformation. Educational activities, starting from selection, learning process, to graduation, are carried out online. Posted by Administrator
The government, teachers, students, schools and parents work together so that learning can continue. The internet community, such as PANDI, APJII, and ICT Volunteers, which are spread across all provinces, also continues to work to maintain the smooth running of the internet and increase people’s digital literacy. The problem of digital inequality and digital literacy, which has been the root cause of the sudden problem, must be solved with various improvisations.
The joint decree of the four ministers regarding the Guide to Implementation of Learning states that only education units located in the green zone area can carry out face-to-face learning with all the requirements, which means that 94 percent of students will continue to carry out learning activities from home.
In a working meeting with the DPR’s Commission X on July 2 2020, the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim announced that distance learning (PJJ) would be permanent because adaptation to technology would not return. The technological adaptation in question is starting to be seen in our daily lives today, which are used to holding online meetings, even though before the pandemic it was rarely used.
Online learning for some students is nothing new. Before the pandemic, when teacher learning was felt to be insufficient, some supplemented it from tutoring programs and some used platforms such as Ruangguru, Quipper, Zenius, or searched on Youtube.
It is a shared challenge to overcome learning inequality by ensuring that all students have access to learning resources and all the necessary learning resources can be accessed without economic constraints or in other words, not a single student is left behind.
The Minister of Education and Culture’s statement regarding PJJ that would be permanent certainly drew various responses. Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spirituality, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation and state.
The Minister of Education and Culture also said that the direction of the Indonesian Education Roadmap is to build Pancasila Students who have six profiles, namely Faith, Fear of God Almighty and Noble Morals; Global Diversity; Worked together; Critical Reasoning; Independent; and Creative.
Filling and complementing each other
The question is whether all aspects of the definition of Pancasila Education and Student profiles can be fully implemented online. Can intellectual intelligence as well as spiritual and emotional intelligence be fully provided through online learning? Is it a teacher-student relationship in which teachers who are “digugu” and “imitated” as well as educators of morals, ethics, integrity and character can still be formed?
Of course PJJ cannot completely replace the physical learning process in classrooms, schools and campuses. Both exist to complement each other, not to replace each other. A sense of love and respect for teachers grows when a student kisses the teacher’s hand when entering and leaving school as well as the personal interactions that occur during the educational process.
The feeling of love for the Motherland grows when we get goosebumps singing the national anthem “Indonesia Raya” because of the enthusiastic atmosphere that we feel at the flag ceremony. Diversity is only tested when we physically interact with school or college friends from various walks of life.
The pandemic conditions have forced most areas in Indonesia that are not yet green to carry out learning activities from home because the health and safety of students, teachers, education staff, families and communities is a top priority. The quality of education, which is of course different if it is done face-to-face in class, needs to be tolerated by focusing on certain aspects that can still be effective if done online.
In mid-April, President Jokowi said that the pandemic would end at the end of this year and the boom that would follow must be put to good use. At the Indonesian Chancellor’s Forum Conference, the Minister of Education and Culture invited them to take advantage of the efficiency presented by technology in building joint strengths to realize an Advanced Indonesia.
Diversity is only tested when we physically interact with school or college friends from various walks of life.
Semester II-2020 Homework
Education in the new normal era will be decorated with a combination of online and offline learning which are complementary and complementary. The teacher acts more as a facilitator to complement student competencies from online and offline teaching materials.
The available content does not only contain teaching materials, such as in textbooks, but also material from industry practitioners. Students will be more independent in gaining knowledge from various online content and for that, there are four things that need to be pursued in the second semester of 2020.
First, learning content will be meaningless if there are no facilities to access that content. The Palapa Ring infrastructure, the backbone of Indonesia’s internet which was completed at the end of 2019, needs to be continued immediately so that it immediately reaches homes, schools, campuses and other learning locations. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics together with internet service providers play an important role in this matter. KOMPAS/BAHANA PATRIA GUPTA
Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini teaches online class VI Surabaya elementary school students in the yard of the Surabaya City Hall, East Java, Friday (15/5/2020). On this occasion, Tri Rismaharini specifically motivated students to remain enthusiastic about achieving their goals even in a pandemic and studying at home.
Second, special attention needs to be given to students and schools that have limited access to learning content and the provision of learning facilities for students. Provision of free Wi-Fi facilities in many public places by local governments can be a solution while still implementing strict health protocols.
Third, while infrastructure and access are built, increasing digital literacy needs to be done for students, students, teachers, lecturers, parents, and education staff in schools and campuses. Digital literacy that is built certainly needs to be adjusted to the roles and functions of each party. The Office of Education, the Office of Communication and Informatics, and the internet community in each region need to work together to improve digital literacy in society.
Fourth, while infrastructure gaps and digital literacy gaps are addressed, content and learning platforms following the national standard curriculum need to be provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The platform provided is a national standard platform so that each school does not need to build or look for another platform and only needs to access the ministry platform.
Digital transformation in national education which was proclaimed a long time ago, has now become a must because of the pandemic.
What’s interesting about PJJ, the best teachers and practitioners can be presented online throughout Indonesia. This is a form of technological efficiency conveyed by the Minister of Education and Culture to simultaneously improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Parents representing the school put on graduation medals when announcing the graduation of class VI students at SD Santo Leo II West Jakarta online at home, Monday (15/6/2020).
Four months have passed and the pandemic has forced all educational components to utilize technology in the educational process. Technology opens opportunities for Indonesia to build joint strength to realize an advanced Indonesia.
Digital transformation in national education which was proclaimed for a long time has now become a must because of the pandemic. The government cannot do it alone without pentahelix’s collaboration with academia, industry, community and media. We are a nation of fighters, it’s time to work together to create Superior Human Resources for Advanced Indonesia.
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