Monday, June 26, 2023, 04:27 PM
Posted by Administrator
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educationally beneficial position that relates to the student’s area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives. The program includes and emphasizes positions for students with employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, or opportunities to connect with other employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, within their areas of study.Posted by Administrator
Program Requirements
Eligible students are from an underrepresented background and meet all the following criteria:
Must be enrolled at least half-time
California resident classification
Satisfactory academic progress
Demonstrated financial need
Eligibility to work in the United States
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at USC the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educationally beneficial position that relates to the student’s area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives. At USC, learning-aligned employment opportunities provide participating students with direct opportunities to participate in the research.
Join CertificationPoint and Complete LAEP Work Experience Builder Opportunities