Latest EdTech News Turkey: Education Suspended In Schools In 5 Provinces Due To Earthquake In Turkey/Syria - by Ece Nagihan
Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 06:43 AM
Posted by Administrator
Reference: Student Share By: Kiley T. (Georgetown University)Posted by Administrator
Schools were closed in Diyarbakir, Batman, Siirt, Mardin and Sirnak due to the 7.4 magnitude earthquake that affected 10 provinces.
Search efforts continue in the buildings that were destroyed after the 7.4 magnitude earthquake, the epicenter of which was in the Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaras.
In the regions affected by the earthquake, education was suspended.
Provinces where Schools are Vacationed
In the statement made by the Diyarbakir National Education Directorate, it was stated that education was suspended on 6-10 February in order to determine the damage in schools in the city where the impact of the earthquake was felt.
Batman Governorship announced that education and training throughout the city was suspended until further notice. In the statement made by the governor’s office, “Primary and secondary education and education at the university were suspended.” statement was included.
In the statement made by the Siirt Governor’s Office, it was stated that the 7.4-magnitude earthquake, the epicenter of which was Pazarcık in Kahramanmaraş, was severely felt throughout the city, and schools were closed today.
Teacher passed away in Kiziltepe
Mardin Provincial Director of National Education Murat Demir conveyed his wishes for the whole country to get well soon due to the earthquake and stated that schools in the city are on holiday today. In the statement made by the Kızıltepe District Directorate of National Education, it was stated that Pelin Özen, the class teacher, died as a result of a heart attack during the earthquake.
In the statement made by the Sirnak Governor’s Office, it was stated that schools throughout the province were closed due to the earthquake that occurred in the Pazarcik district of Kahramanmaraş and was felt in Sirnak and the surrounding provinces.