Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 09:16 AM
Posted by Administrator
Student Share By: Junie M.L. Washburn University (Topeka, Kansas)Posted by Administrator
The workforce is changing rapidly in the digital, pandemic-driven age.
The job economy that students once graduated to has changed significantly in the last couple of years, and schools are finding that they need to acclimate to this changing landscape in order to better prepare their students for life after college.
With greater remote work opportunities available and remote work becoming more common, many are turning toward freelance as a way to find more freedom to grow within their careers. Students in the Humanities in particular—such as artists and writers—often find that freelance careers give them the opportunity to do what they love on a day-to-day basis. Schools can embrace freelance as a valid career path and encourage students to pursue the career if they think it may be right for them.
income ebbs and flows and some seasons may be more prosperous than others, and students should learn these risks to prepare for their freelance career beforehand.
Teach students that they can start their own career in freelance even while they’re still in school. It’s never too early for them to start investing in their own success—both financially and through their own time spent working on their goals. Universities are often here to help students break into traditional career paths, and in the digital age, it’s time to start looking at ways that universities can help students transition into the freedom of freelance.