
Thursday, April 9, 2020, 06:03 AM
Posted by Administrator
#edutech #college #work #NFT #education #remotework #onlinelearning #stem #talent #diversity #highered #STEM #blog

The future workspace must enable collaboration among all stakeholders involved in driving a specific business outcome, including employees, contract or gig workers, partners, vendors, and suppliers. All stakeholders must have suitable, secure access to corporate resources in order to effectively communicate and contribute, anytime, from anywhere, and via their preferred device. The transformed workspace is no longer bounded by physical location or time of day.
This requires integrated systems, tools, and data that participate in new (and changing) workflows and that are governed by new policies. Seamless connectivity and access to enterprise resources that do not hinder productivity or diminish user experience are integral to the future workspace. This requires connected, agile, secure, always-on infrastructure.
To keep pace with the speed of change, organizations must enable and support an agile organizational structure and an agile work environment. High-performing organizations will adopt a "squad" cross-functional operating model. IDC predicts that by 2024, two-thirds of employees in high-performing G2000 enterprises will shift from static roles and processes to dynamic, multidisciplinary, outcome-focused reconfigurable teams. Organizations must support a dynamic, connected, secure, and agile workspace to support these teams. Because worker participation may be dynamic, the workspace itself must be agile enough to accommodate teams as they form and re-form.
Of course, security remains an imperative. Because the digitally transformed workspace is no longer bounded by a physical location and must enable anytime/anywhere access to corporate resources, the secure perimeter of the past is no longer sufficient. In addition to secure access, organizations must consider compliance with industry and government regulations, including data sovereignty and privacy laws. Today's security protocols hinder productivity and create suboptimal employee experiences. A new paradigm for authentication, security, and compliance is required.
Respondents to our survey agreed that access to data is most critical to productivity, with over 70% putting this capability at the top of the list, along with endpoint management and security and unified communications and collaboration (UC&C).
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