Thursday, April 9, 2020, 05:12 AM
Posted by Administrator
Published: April 9, 2020 at 4:57 p.m. ETPosted by Administrator
Apr 09, 2020 (AB Digital via COMTEX) -- Haughton, Louisiana - April 9, 2020 -
CertificationPoint is a leading online work experience builder marketplace
which bridges the gap by pairing college students(and trade school students)
seeking to close skill gaps in a real-world project-based work environment with
businesses (and service buyers) who need professional quality help for specific
work projects. "This platform allows students to bridge knowledge and skill with
real-world experience from the comfort of home", says Chief Advisor Olivia
Giles. As the way work is performed continues its shift towards remote work,
CertificationPoint has carved out a unique niche specifically for college
students (and trade school) to collaborate with future employers and business
partners in a mentored bid/award skill-building environment where work gets
While staying on the cutting-edge of real-time student development and
success as it relates to collaborating with their peers and businesses(and service
buyers), CertificationPoint will be introducing a new exciting feature which will
further enhance and connect the two key sides who use the collaborative
project-based learning platform. This new feature is scheduled to be introduced
for use within the CertificationPoint platform just in time for the summer
semester at most colleges. In the words of Karl Cole (Head of Marketing and
founder of Kcolemedia), "This is a true edutech portal for students to gain a
glimpse of real-world business practices as they sharpen their skills before
entering the corporate world."
As a leading educational technology platform, CertificationPoint has already
attracted the interest of many high-level companies who use its portal to recruit
quality candidates to cover their staffing needs. Chris Russell (Head of Business
Development) describes CertificationPoint as, "The center of education and
career aspirations". Students have an opportunity to earn income, gain work
experience and begin certifying their career, all while building their online
portfolio via joint projects with peers from other colleges. Businesses (and
Service Buyers) can expand their clientele and manage a versatile online
portfolio that will give them a competitive advantage in their respective
industries. Select colleges have begun using the companion book “Unleashing
Your Harnessed Potential” for in-course projects to allow students to close
knowledge gaps.
“We are very pleased with our investor funding interest level to date,” said Mr.
Byron Giles, CertificationPoint founder. “Although we have gained traction in
the funding department in the recent months, we are now seeking to primarily
continue our current position as a top notch educational technology resource by
enhancing the overall value for our user base. For future interested investors
we are offering interval-based metrics snapshots to provide an glimpse of
CertificationPoint's progress.”
With CertificationPoint online eCourse, once a student has completed the
simulated training, they are able to continue working through the site for wide-
ranging for-pay projects as a college professional. A major gain for the student is
the additional depth of tangible resume experience and gained networking
opportunities while in college. "One thing I can guarantee is on one end of the
spectrum there's a student somewhere in the world sitting at home with a
desire to hone skills based on what they have learned or are currently learning
in school; and on the other end of the spectrum there's a business owner or
potential startup with an idea but unsure how to bring the idea to life...this is
why CertificationPoint was created,” said Mr. Byron Giles. As they say give a
person a fish and they'll eat for a day, teach a person to fish and they'll eat for a
lifetime. Non-participating colleges wishing to participate in this program,
please contact us at:
In addition to its collaborative eMarketplace, CertificationPoint further hosts
freelance credentialing exams for students via a wide range of career-related
certifications. "We have a platform which is beneficial for individuals seeking
experience to further many segments of their careers.", says Shaunielle Kitchen
(User Engagement Lead). Acquiring certifications in their fields of interest does
not only allow students to verify their skills, but also boosts their employment
potential by providing them with credentials that attest to their knowledge
gained for with respect to job roles they intend to pursue.
"When I first listened to Byron describe CertificationPoint... Internally, I
thought this has the potential to really be something special. Then I posted a
project for my company," said Donny Gamblin (Owner of DMG Underground)
For more information about the company and services, visit
Connect w/CertificationPoint via Social Media:
LinkedIn: ... 2b/164/65a
Media Contact
Company Name: CertificationPoint
Contact Person: Byron Giles
Email: Send Email
City: Las Vegas
Country: United States