Saturday, August 18, 2018, 11:47 AM
Posted by Administrator
#edutech #college #work #NFT #education #remotework #onlinelearning #stem #talent #diversity #highered #STEM #blogPosted by Administrator
I’m sitting in a local car lot with my wife as she contemplated getting a new vehicle to assist in accommodating the new addition to the family. As we sit and wait for the staff to assist this time gives me an opportunity to think about the idea came to me as well as how far we have come as an online resource. Although we have received funding and been offer undisclosed amount to outright sell, I have really appreciated and enjoyed the process and growth. Overtime I have seen how new initiates that have popped up monthly as well as the bigger job portals have added this ‘more than a niche’ market to their overall scope it excites me.
Earlier in the process I’d see competitors pop up and I would have more than normal thoughts that I had to do more so that CertificationPoint would not get lost in the shuffle. I now see the additional similar initiatives as believers in this type of market and in a way we are all marketing a concept that could forever change the learning process for students entering college or who are already in college.
I keep thinking about the social networking sites that are currently in place and how the most well known sites were not the first but that they came in as their concept had gotten past the early adopters stage and into the mainstreams attention...not to mention a ‘Secret Sauce’ which helped to propel them forward exponentially. The history of the concept will always be there amongst the early adopters though.
Back to life being a turtle’s race...
Whatever we are doing in life whether it’s a short-Term or long-term goal it can take time or many additional decisions to keep us on the right path...while also understanding that it’s a process. This is so much like life where we have a ton of choices and a path of which sometimes we have an idea of our ‘way ahead’ or we are finding our way. History and knowledge gained from other can provide a lot of assistance and can prepare us for a lot but those instances where we are forging a path with very little assistance while using instincts and mental fortitude are the moments where life really happens. These times can seem very slow and arduous but are worth as we look back overtime. Keep your and head up and keep pressing forward your dreams and goals are right in front of you and we’ll within reach.
As always thanks for reading and have a great day!
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