
Presidents Day or Precedents Day 
Monday, February 19, 2018, 08:39 PM
Posted by Administrator
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Hello All,

Much thanks for the comments and feedback on earlier posts!

What’s the deal with the Title?

First I’d like to say Happy Presidents Day and Precendents Day. I did a little research on Presidents Day, which by the way set a precedent allowing the US to honor past and future Presidents. Although that is the case now this Day was initially suppose to celebrate George Washington. His birthday doesn’t exactly fall on his birthday...this was the intent of the holiday. We have had a number of presidents of which some are remembered and others not so much. Each have held a specific importance during their time in office and what an honor it should be to hold such a position in a great country.

Precedents are set everyday at some level or another. CertificationPoint set a precedent with the concept of student freelance which involved students completing one off projects of which there is a bidding process...while adding a unique opportunity to become vested through site interaction. Reaching Your Potential, Validating Your Credentials

What type precedents have you set?

What precedents do you think will be set in future?

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