Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:03 PM
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Service learning activities are a rich learning tool in higher education. Students who participate in some form of community service tied to their coursework get more out of the material. They are also more likely to complete their degrees.
Online classes pose a special problem for faculty wanting to do service learning. These students expect greater flexibility and the ability to fulfill assignments at their computer-conditions that are not particularly conducive to traditional service learning opportunities. Educators may also find it daunting to come up with options that engage distance learning students with nontraditional schedules.
Pioneering educators are coming up with fresh ways to adapt to these new challenges. How Can I Create an Online Service Learning Project? timely explores practical solutions to this dilemma.
The program presenter draws from her teaching experiences in an online classroom to show how she developed a meaningful service learning experience that can be easily duplicated—the “call to action” project. The video focuses on a general service learning template and how participants can apply it to their own teaching.
In only 20 minutes, viewers who purchase this video will:
See how “success” or “failure” in the activity results can teach students critical lessons
Give students a realistic understanding of what they can accomplish in their community in a limited period of time
Discover an efficient way for students to prepare deliverables for your review
Learn grading techniques that conserve time and energy
Encourage student collaboration to create a stimulating online class dynamic
Learning Goals
The video reveals how to structure a call to action activity and how to guide online students in choosing topics that stimulate them. Particular emphasis is given to coming up with a topic that ignites student ambition, but which can be realistically executed in the allotted time. You learn how to help them establish sensible schedules, prepare interim updates, and submit a final report.
Discover ways for students to raise awareness about topics related to the class and get the community involved. The video explores how to teach students about different types of communities and calls to action that generate results.
The presenter illustrates her strategies with several concrete examples taken from call to action activities from her own online classroom.
Topics Covered
How Can I Create an Online Service Learning Project? provides step-by-step instructions for a call to action project. The presenter explains the current model that she uses in her own social sciences classes and the ways that this model can be used in different course settings, disciplines, and class sizes.
By the end of the video, participants will be able to:
Identify three benefits to using service learning in their courses
Explain key features of one model of service learning for an online course
Apply the model to classes the participant teaches
Help students settle on a course-related topic for their activity
Describe different calls to action that students can employ
Show students how to find and follow up with participants in their project
Leverage social media to show how one person can make a difference
Guidelines for executing every step of the call to action activity and results from presenter’s own online classroom activity arm you with the knowledge and confidence to engage your online students through service learning.
Stephanie Delany