
Path To Career Growth As A Student...What's The North Star For Your Career? 
Thursday, November 11, 2021, 05:45 AM
Posted by Administrator
#edutech #college #work #NFT #education #remotework #onlinelearning #stem #talent #diversity #highered #STEM #blog

Hello All...There has been a over a week delay since my last post. Although I have had a certain topic in mind, I felt it was a better to take a little time to let the topic marinate but not so much that I write book but moreso to effectively get the point across. So taking a stroll down memory lane I can recall a mentor asking me what is CertificationPoint selling. I went to my go to move to deliver a thoughtful answer full of logic. He asked me again...So what are you truly selling. I went through my list again with associated validators. He said you have given a great answer but here's something I'd like you to think about...great companies are great marketers based on how they make customers feel. He went on with a couple of examples...Rolex is really selling status versus a watch. Harley Davidson really sells a lifestyle versus a motorcycle. This really got me thinking...and I had my enlightening moment and before I let you in on what CP really sells...I'd like to do provides results on a recent survey about several business...primarily the advantages and/or disadvantages. Lets see if CP's survey data lines up somewhat with what my thoughts were.

So we completed a survey on the 11 companies's the data.

1. Google - You can use it to discover just about anything on or off the world wide web. On the other hand a few individuals mentioned they disliked the privacy in their algorithms. My thoughts: Can't give away the secret sauce)

2. Indeed - As a professional person looking to find the perfect job...Indeed is the place to be. On the other hand sometimes it can be a confusing process when applying externally/internally.

3. Facebook - You can connect with anyone with Facebook. On the other hand...some of the algorithm tweaks to make the site addictive are questionable.

4. JoinHandshake - A place where college students can reach out to employers and find a job. Simply put Indeed for college students...and connected with a lot of college career services departments. On the other hand...sometimes the jobs are not the right fit and can be temporary. Too much student data provided by colleges for setup/lauch.

5. Fiverr - Like going into a department store or candy store for virtual work. New gigs create weekly...and stays fresh!

6. Microsoft - Trusted name to go for an awesome suite of productivity products and productivity resources across a wide landscape. On the other side of the coin...keeping up with all the software updates and patches and various bugs that are found.

7. Apple - The stylish product and ease of use...a very well crafted product with apps available for of the main reason most developers build for mobile devices...another one of the game changers. Some of the quirks like the updates and battery life of product over time.

8. CertificationPoint - A great place to be as a student in general looking to collaborate around building a skillset associated with what is being learned in college. Students can really build relationships with future employers. Makes you feel that you are truly building a skillset, while earning money, that with last for an entire career. On the other side of the mobile app yet and would like to see more integrations with other products.

9. Amazon - You can find and/or buy just about anything and get theproduct FAST! As a seller you can setup shop and truly make substantial income with less planning. On the other hand it can be hard to stay relevant by selling one or two products.

10. YouTube - You can find just about any type of short solution or tutorial. Have to search a little harder for tge hidden gems

11. ODesk - As a seasoned professional looking to build clientel steadily this is the place to be...a global marketplace for getting work done, and setting up you business shop, at a varied price. On the other hand its hard to get started as a newbie.

There you have it. One day we will share the extended list.

As for CertificationPoint and my thoughts on what CP truly sells...

The belief or feeling you can step in and truly make a difference with the career-related job you 'accept'.


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