Thursday, August 9, 2018, 01:24 AM
Posted by Administrator
I’ve recently been reading the book by Napoleon Hill titled Think and Grow Rich. I’d heard about this book for year and had actually read excerpts over the years. This is the first time I have truly entertained this best seller. As I’ve been reading I have noticed how the book has passsages which have been reused in books both before and after it’s production. I wonder how much each individual in the world could benefit from such an experience of interview successful and great minds. Although I believe we all have great minds we can sometimes be our own worst enemy with respect to how much we achieve as well as how much we can get in the way of others. I believe this book offers great information which acts acts as an inspiration. It also a method of allowing us to focus our minds on an idea and concept and then seeing it through. I know the title can to most imply monetary growth and this article does discuss money, I believe the book implies a growth mindset. I believe there was a popular TEDx talk that further expanded on the growth mindset. I believe the presenter was a guy named Briceno. The power of positive thinking is also at the root of this book as well as having the utmost belief in what you are trying to accomplish. It’s interesting as young children are thinking and beliefs can be one way and then there’s comes the moment or moments where something occurs which start to introduce doubt into our thought process and mindset. For instance, as a child you want that one item for Christmas and there is no doubt in you mind that your parent or parents will make it happen(or Santa...depending on your belief at that age). I would like to dig into the minds of individuals to find out how they blocked out the areas of doubt. I believe it is similar to how athletes block out everything around them in order to focus on getting better and to the biggest stage in their sport. I am sure there are setbacks and hurdles but how is the mindset maintained to the endstate. I was recently listening to an article by Kobe Bryant describing his Manba Mindset. I can recall reading a particular portion of his thought process early in his career where he described his work ethic and how he mentioned that if he kept it up that after 5 years in the NBA he would’ve so far ahead of everyone else in his rookie class that they would never catch up to him. This type of mindset tells me that although I did ok...but I didn’t work nearly as hard as I could have or as hard as those around me behind the scenes. I look at CertificationPoint and the opportunities that are provided...and how students can indeed reach their potential and validate their credentials. We are in the process of changing narrative on the future of work for college students and helping them ensure success after college. I’d like to think of CertificationPoint as a avenue for assisting college students to think and grow rich. Posted by Administrator