Sunday, January 3, 2021, 07:08 AM
Posted by Administrator
#edutech #college #work #NFT #education #remotework #onlinelearning #stem #talent #diversity #highered #STEM #blogPosted by Administrator
As humans, we are made up of feelings, dreams and wishes. This is normal and goes for everyone. Whether it be work, better relationships, or less stress, we all wish deep inside to change somehow for the better. However, if on the one side we have dreams and wishes, on the other we have fears and worries. Unfortunately, when making plans and taking decisions, all too often, the latter get in the way, and drift us away from taking the necessary steps to becoming better versions of ourselves.
This explains why we may have a myriad of things on the plate, but achieve very little in the end. As a result, no matter how great ideas may be, eventually they remain mere projects and nothing more. Sadly, this is the very reason we stay the same all life. And for the majority of us, this eternal ‘rut’ is a lifetime curse. We get stuck in our routines until we finally get too old to actually do and achieve what we really want.
This is particularly recurrent at the end of the year. If you remember the Christmas song by John Lennon, ‘…Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fears’, he talks about the same thing: improvement, getting better, feeling better.
We all have a tendency to get better and improve our condition.
It is just natural.
Again, having dreams has always being characteristic of human beings, especially at the end of year. Particularly, in that period, we plan, discuss, and talk non-stop. We are so excited that can’t wait to finally get it started in style. But then, something happens (or breaks).
The new year finally arrives, but we don’t roll up our sleeves as previously promised. How so?
The first excuse is that we tell ourselves there is plenty of time. Twelve months to go. An eternity, so why the hurry? Plus, we may not be in the right mood either. One person who previously promised to get fit a few weeks earlier, is the same who now claims: ‘It is too cold outside to go jogging. I will do it when it gets warmer’. Or another, ‘I promised to improve my social life, but in the winter months there is no sunshine. I will wait for now’ (but without specifying when).
Reading this, it is important to point out that,
Having dreams can be a pleasant experience.
But facing reality is a completely different story.
In the examples above, they both had plans to enhance their quality of life, but opted for inaction instead. They were waiting for the perfect conditions, to be in the right mood, and so on. This is how they did put off their plans indefinitely. January, they claimed, was too cold and dark. All right. But so is February and March as well. But then spring might be rainy, and summer may be too hot for going outdoors. This is how our two friends never really got started. Winter eventually came over again, and the first person is still with a belly fat, and the second still single. A coincidence? No, they have unconsciously sabotaged themselves with their minds.
In a nutshell, this represents the masses who talk a lot and act little. Sadly but true.
Remember this:
waiting for perfect conditions is pie-in-the-sky. Ideal conditions do not exist, and if you press on it, you may be waiting for a long time. When previously stating that we remain the same all life, this is what I was driving at. Talking a lot, having the best intentions, but not implementing them when the time finally arrives.
2. The majority of people prefers to wait for the right conditions (also in financial terms). But, in the meantime, time passes by, and so is our youth, energy and liveliness. The truth is that, when it comes to planning, we are all big talkers and promote ourselves in the best way possible on social media.
We plan and talk by saying:
I will…
I’ll make…
I am going to…
But then we either never get started because we wait for the ‘right time’, the ‘perfect conditions’, or to be ‘in the right mood’.
Here is when you decide whose side to be on. That of the talkers (the biggest share), or that of the action-takers (the smallest one). The choice is yours to take.
Being consistent with what we previously said is possible. There is an English saying that goes, ‘When there is a will, there is always a way’. Applying this to myself, I can guarantee it is absolutely true.
How can you be an action-taker, distinguishing yourself from the masses who are all talk and act little ?