What are some unusual strategies that student freelancers can use to be successful? 
Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 07:16 AM
Don't follow the freelance herd.

Stay away from the biggest and most popular freelance websites. Why? These mega-size platforms are both overcrowded and overrated. Pay attention to the smaller and more independent online marketplaces where clients know exactly what they want.

Try to be a freelancer for a change.

You are a freelancer by your own choice. Don't beg for work. Look for work. Do not be afraid to say “No, Sir” instead of “Yes, Sir.” You have your freelance price, pride, and principles. Don't think or accept that a client is always right.

Conduct a psychological evaluation of clients before accepting the work.

How? Well, the good old humor is the best indicator there is. If there's no “chemistry” from the very beginning, then the chances are high, something will go wrong. If a client doesn't respect you as a human being then how can they possibly appreciate your work?

You are your client's mirror.

Treat your clients the same way they treat you. No more. No less. You can be kind and grateful. Or, You can be cold as ice. You know how they say. Fool me once. A great friendship can come out of a client-freelancer working relationship.

Don't waste time on disputes.

If it's not working, don't take it personally...move on. Don't insist on being paid for every single working minute and every word written. Disputes with your clients are pointless — such a waste of time and energy. The worst thing about it, your mood is ruined even if you win. The next client shouldn't have to pay for the wrongdoings of the predecessor.

Let Good Karma take care of bad clients.

You don't have time to make it personal. When a client rubs you the wrong way, smile and say, Karma will take care of you. Don't take out anger, frustration, and pain on social media, freelance forums, or in reviews. You don't have time and energy to waste on a personal vendetta. Karma will take care of it. It always does.

Apply what you like. Ignore what you don't like.

Good luck!


Avery - Kent State Univ. '01 
Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12:22 AM
Thanks for sharing CP!
Hareef - Georgetown Univ. '98 
Friday, October 29, 2021, 11:32 PM
Thanks for the share. Very informative.
Sunday, October 24, 2021, 06:45 PM
Definitely sharing with oir students at University of Vermont
Caryn '24 
Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the info.

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