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Be relentlessly resourceful by Paul Graham
The original version of this essay is available at
March 2009
A couple days ago I finally got being a good startup founder down to two words: relentlessly resourceful.
Till then the best I'd managed was to get the opposite q -
PII Exposed: Unauthenticated IDOR in WooCommerce Stripe Plugin - Alessandro Mascellino
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the popular WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin, potentially exposing users’ personally identifiable information (PII).
The vulnerability, an unauthenticated insecure direct object reference (IDOR), affects versions 7.4.0 and below -
How an ancient board game could unlock cutting-edge physics discoveries by Molly McCrory
The game mancala may have originated as far back as 6000 BCE in Jordan and is played around the world to this day. It consists of stones that players move between a series of small pits on a wooden game board. The point of the game is to get all the stones into the last pit at the end of the board.< -
6 Ways To Get More Local Website Traffic by Liz Cortes (Local Business Strategist)
Every small business owner wants to get more local website traffic. Here are the top 6 strategies that are working for our clients so you can start doing the happy dance as your business grows.
6 Ways To Get More Local Website Traffic
Optimize metadata and local keywo -
How can fintech innovation supercharge global women's development? by Mary Ellen Iskenderian,Graham Macmillan
The pandemic has supercharged fintech innovation, but without thoughtful implementation we risk reinforcing old biases and inequalities and failing to serve women’s needs
Mary Ellen Iskenderian, CEO of Women’s World Banking and Graham Macmillan, President of the Visa Foundation.
AI Cyber-Attacks: The Growing Threat to Cybersecurity and Countermeasures
In the information technology world, it is a well-known fact that digital advancements rarely live up to the extravagant depictions in science fiction literature and films. For instance, while popular media often imagines a future plagued by robot uprisings and AI-driven cyber-attacks, the reality i -
Is Web Design A Dying Career?
Table of Contents
The Premise for Web Design Career Becoming Obsolete
Reasons Why Web Design Career Is Not Dying
Last but not least, Web Development
Is web design a dying career? This question pops all the time. With an abundance of tools that do all the heavy lif -
10 Women in Tech Who Will Inspire You by
Today’s tech industry faces an ongoing and visible issue: there simply are not enough women in the field. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, women make up half of the nation’s workforce and more than half of its population, yet, they are still significantly underrepresented across all areas of -
What Startups Need To Know About Visual Psychology
Startup culture has become a solid fixture in the business world, all stemming from the demonstrable advantages of prioritizing flexibility and creativity without the traditional but stultifying hierarchy of authority— but the average startup lacks the steadying hand of oversight or the benefit of -
University of Southern California: Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning by
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educational -
San Diego State University: Career Pathways and Social Capital by
Community Engagement is a form of experiential learning. Experiential learning integrates academic work, giving back to the community, and career planning. Engaging students in hands-on experience can provide opportunities to make classroom learning real and relevant by applying classroom knowledge -
UCLA: Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) by
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educational -
University of San Diego: Community Engagement by
Community engagement describes the collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of community engag -
[INTERESTING READ] Gen Z is the loneliest generation, and it's not just because of social media by Katrina Trinko
The loneliness of Generation Z reflects not just rising social media use but a broader decline in interactions with neighbors, co-workers and church friends.
At a time when we’re supposedly more connected than ever, there are an awful lot of lonely people.
“Nearly half of A -
[GREAT READ] The Impact Of EdTech In 2022 And Beyond by Geoffrey Roche
Edtech spending is likely to double in the next five years to about $404 billion.
Edtech, short for education technology, is an approach that taps into technology to increase the performance and outcomes of educating students. SaaS startups in particular are well placed to participate in -
Edtech Article Of The Week: Schools Are 'Focusing on the Wrong Things' When It Comes to AI, Tech Leader Argues by Alyson Klein
Ninety percent of middle and high schools have put in place 1-to-1 computing programs, up from two-thirds prior to the pandemic, according to a March 2021 survey by the EdWeek Research Center.The percentage of elementary schools with 1-to-1 computing programs has doubled from 42 percent to 84 percen -
We Asked an Obama Chatbot About the President’s Education Record. It Got a Lot Wrong by Alyson Klein
Persona bots, which can be found on Character.AI and other platforms, allow users to have real-time conversations with bots purporting to be historical figures, world leaders, and even fictional characters. The bots are trained on internet data and are supposed to mimic the speaking style and to -
Just-in-Time Online Tutoring: Supporting Learning Anywhere, Anytime Authors: by Stefan Hrastinski
What if learning could be supported anywhere, anytime, based on the needs of learners? This is a question that has been explored in different ways in research and teaching. Although an abundance of digital education resources are available online, learners have questions and need guidance when they -
Is Your Company Embracing Just-in-Time Learning?
What is "Just-In-Time Learning"? It is walking down to the desk of a more experienced co-worker to ask for a solution when you get stuck on a project. It is looking up Wikipedia when you come across a novel concept during your browsing sessions. It is calling up mom when you want advice on -
5 Effective Ways to Support Teacher Collaboration By Jill Fletcher
Time is precious, especially during the school day. To maximize student learning, teacher collaboration is essential. In my experience as a classroom teacher, a curriculum coordinator, and an administrator, I’ve observed that these five ideas work well for teacher collaboration.
1. SCH -
Just-in-Time Professional Development for Edtech Tools By Kathryn Nieves
Professional development has its challenges. From the inability to get substitutes for teacher coverage to the often-large financial burden of these workshops, it can be difficult for school districts to provide training for their staff. Even if a school can bring in PD opportunities, these onetime -
AI is an existential threat – just not the way you think
The rise of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence systems has been accompanied by a sharp increase in anxiety about AI. For the past few months, executives and AI safety researchers have been offering predictions, dubbed “P(doom),” about the probability that AI will bring about a large-sca -
Using Student Awards to Promote Self-Reflection By Lory Walker Peroff
The end of the school year is always a time full of excitement, joy, and oodles of awards ceremonies to celebrate the year’s accomplishments. Teachers choose students to be publicly recognized for their achievements at an end-of-year assembly. Proud parents line up with cameras to snap photos of t -
Just-in-time teaching actively involves students in the learning process through a two-step series of learning activities. In the first step, students complete a focused set of activities outside of class (usually via interactive Web documents) and submit their work to the instructor. In the second -
While educational approaches used to subscribe to a “one-size-fits-all” philosophy, observation, testing, and psychology have revealed, by degrees, a different picture over the last few decades. Different students learn different ways, and forcing all to adhere to a singular style of learning ha -
Website Footer Design - Examples to Steal in 2023
Table of Contents
Why is it Important to Invest in a Website footer?
Goals of Website Footers
Website Footer Elements
Best Practices for Website Footers
Website Footer Designs to Steal
Last Updated: October 15, 2021
Creating a website design i -
Types of Online Learning
Asynchronous Online Courses
These types of course offerings do not take place in real–time. Students are provided with content and assignments and are given a time frame to complete course work and exams. Interaction usually takes place through discussion boards, blogs and wikis. As a result, -
Samsung Invests in Malaysia’s Future Workforce with New Education Partnership
Samsung Malaysia Electronics has partnered with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to launch a collaboration program that will transform higher education and skills development in Malaysia. This initiative, in collaboration with Polytechnic Ungku Omar (PUO) in Ipoh, aims to integrate Samsung’ -
Billionaire-Owned EdTech Firm Byju’s Faces Yet Another Crisis As Deloitte Resigns As Auditor by Anu Raghunathan
Beleaguered edtech company Byju’s parent Think & Learn, which not long ago was the world most valuable edtech company valued at $22 billion, has plunged into yet another crisis. The company’s auditor Deloitte Haskins & Sells resigned this week, citing inordinate delays in filing its fina -
Best UX Design Frameworks For Your Future Projects by Ramotion
Table of Contents
UX Design Framework Definition
Purpose of Framework in UI/UX Design
UX Design Frameworks Examples
There is a lot of room for creativity in the field of design. Tackling new problems and coming up with creative solutions is more of a habit for UX -
The Myth of 100% Safe: Prioritizing Cyber Protection in an Evolving Landscape
The digital world. A world where every bit of information is represented by 1’s and 0’s, traveling the digital highway on a global average speed of less than 100 Megabits per second. It is a world that never sleeps, where identity and anonymity can thrive; where public and private spaces can be -
Where to Draw the Line Between Features and Page Speed
Ask any online business owner what their biggest priority is when setting up their website and they’ll probably talk about some aspect of design. Visuals, content and typography can all have a significant impact on a website’s visitors, but what if they never get to experience these things at al -
[IN THE WORKPLACE] Rethinking Your Approach to the Employee Experience by
Human resources leaders commonly assume that for a company to stand out as a great place to work, it must deliver competitive perks—everything from skills training to pet insurance to foosball. New research finds that this view is outdated: Engagement and retention don’t correlate with benefits -
The folly of making art with text-to-image generative AI
Making art using artificial intelligence isn’t new. It’s as old as AI itself.
What’s new is that a wave of tools now let most people generate images by entering a text prompt. All you need to do is write “a landscape in the style of van Gogh” into a text box, and the AI can crea -
What is Just in Time Training? [Reference:]
You may have heard this term tossed around, but what does Just in Time Training really mean?
Just in Time Training (JITT) is a training methodology that provides employees with the most current and relevant information just in time for them to use it on the job. Rather than delivering all -
[THE STATE OF AMERICAN JOBS] The value of a college education
An extensive body of research has argued that obtaining a college diploma is a good deal for graduates on almost any measure – from higher earnings to lower unemployment rates. By the same token, those without a college degree can find their upward mobility in the job market limited by a lack of e -
Recognizing the Reality of Working College Students By Laura W. Perna and Taylor K. Odle
When academically qualified people do not have the financial resources needed to enroll and succeed in college, higher education fails to fulfill the promise of promoting social mobility—and may actually serve to reinforce social inequities. The cost of college attendance is rising faster than fam -
The Pros and Cons of Working While in College By Emma Kerr
Working a part-time job while in college can help students pay for personal expenses, supplement financial aid and gain valuable work experience. On top of that, recent research shows those who do work have higher earnings later in their careers.
"The more you work during your first
Be relentlessly resourceful by Paul Graham
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